Comparative Evaluation of Gingival Depigmentation using Scalpel and Diode Laser with 1 year Follow-up
S Anoop, Seba Abraham, R Ambili, Nuthen Mathew
Citation Information :
Anoop S, Abraham S, Ambili R, Mathew N. Comparative Evaluation of Gingival Depigmentation using Scalpel and Diode Laser with 1 year Follow-up. Int J Laser Dent 2012; 2 (3):87-91.
Gingival hyperpigmentation is a major esthetic concern for many people. Though it is not a medical problem, many people complain of dark gums as unesthetic. Gingival depigmentation is a periodontal plastic surgical procedure, whereby the hyperpigmentation is removed or reduced by various techniques. For depigmentation of gingiva, different treatment modalities have been reported, such as scalpel, cryosurgery, electrosurgery, lasers, etc. This article compares management of two cases with scalpel and laser and also highlights the relevance of lasers.
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